
Sunday, August 29, 2010

It's all working out

Well it's been over a week since my last post, again. Things are going well though! I may have gotten a pretty decent start to a work life/home life balance and routine.

I get up in the morning and depending on if I showered the night before, do my ritual: take Penny to go pee and poop (a morning must for a doggy that is in a kennel all day!) shower and blow dry (or straighten if showered last night) hair, brush teeth, pick out clothes, put on make up, fit a bit of play time in with Penny, prepare coffee, grab lunch and head to work.

Depending on if I have errands to run or how long I take for a lunch break, I usually get home between 4:30 and 5:00. Last week, I would start up supper when I got home so it was ready to eat around the time Jesse would get home. After that we usually ended up going on 3-4 mile walks with Penny trotting along. When we get home we'd clean the sweat off of ourselves and prepare our lunches for the next work day. After that we typically would have about an hour-ish to just chill. Watch a bit of TV, catch up on blogs/sports forums, or read.

We head to bed anywhere between 9:30 and 10:30 (usually me at 9:30 and Jesse at 10:30) only to get up and repeat the day's general rituals over again.

Movin' Around
The end of last week, we sort of changed up the routine (watch out!). Jesse decided that we should walk before eating supper. This way we weren't so 'bogged' down by the fullness of our bellies! Boy, he was right (of course). These aren't just leisurely walks anymore. Power walkers, we are.

We bought a work out program that shall be arriving at the Post Office this week and want to get use to moving our bodies more before we start it. We both have our own reasons for the new work out regime. Jesse wants to shed his unwanted pounds, while I want to add some meat to my bones! We both want to be more fit.

I know that Jesse can do it. He has great will power and a strong mind. I'm worried about myself! I was never out for sports where I would have been pushed to my limits and tend to give up on exercise all too quickly. However, I hope having Jesse there, pushing me will be just the thing I need. It will be lots of work, and I'm going to have to deal with it not being easy. Anything worth having never comes easy.

Chow time
I'm very proud of our new eating habits, though I know we can still improve them. We have been eating much more fresh produce (reason for me needing Pepto every morning? TMI) and scaling back our portion sizes. In fact, tonight I piled on the tater tot casserole a bit higher than I knew I should and scarfed it all down. Well, I can tell that I shouldn't have. My belly is a bit more heavy and bogged down by it, I do believe.

Lots and lots of fruit. Jesse and I spent an evening early in the week cutting and preparing fruit for the week: 2 pounds of strawberries, pineapple, and muskmelon along with having a peach and many apples in the crisper. I'm pretty sure for two or three days all Jesse had was fruit for lunch. I'm also pretty sure that I ate my pound of strawberries the very next day during work...

Skin, guts, bones galore
Speaking of food, today I (okay the crock pots) cooked two whole chickens. We bought them on sale for $.58 a pound yesterday. Awesome deal! I decided to cook them both today and go about the task of de-boning them this afternoon. It is a day long process. Put the chickens in the crock pot for 7ish hours (no water needed) season them if you like and let them cook (low for thawed, high for frozen).

Once ready, simply de-bone. Okay, de-boning a chicken is gross but I have come to believe that it is fully worth it. When you can buy chicken this cheap and make many meals out of it, it is so worth the grossness. We have 6 bags of shredded chicken in our freezer just waiting for the rest of their friendly ingredients to meet up with!

Next we decided to make our own chicken stock, which is currently still a brewin'. Take the grease that is left in the crocks, along with the skin and bones top off with water and add onion, celery, and carrots. Bring to a boil and simmer for at least 4 hours. Then, strain and you're ready to go! No need to buy chicken stock when you buy a whole chicken for mere pennies! Score!

Ah, I feel like such the Susie Homemaker!

Now, let me tell you, I had a pretty decent list that I wanted to do this weekend. Alas, something else was in the air telling me there were more pressing matters. A bit of an overhaul of the apartment, that is.

I knew it needed cleaned, but I kinda went to town. Once I did the tidying up that I wanted, I decided it was time for a change up. Now, in our tiny apartment, there isn't a whole lot of rearranging that can be done. We did what we could and it feels so refreshing.

There were boxes that we had piled up to keep because we know that we will be moving again in the near future. There were other areas of the apartment that we were just piling stuff and it finally got to me. Something had to be done. We either need to find a better place where they are out of sight and not cluttering up my mind or pitch them. Well a few were pitched and a few were salvaged. I decided to fold them up and place them behind our dressers. We can always tape them up come moving day.

We moved the bed so it is facing a different direction and put the dressers beside each other on the same wall. Since I was sick of plenty of things sitting out and not having a great place to store them, we made the executive decision to raise the bed.

Off to Target we went with a decent sized list of organizing must haves. The bed is now four more inches off the floor and we have been able to store quite a bit of clothes and other items underneath. We don't need these things all that often, but often enough to still want to have them around. Unfortunately, our bedskirt didn't grow four inches with the bed. For now you can still see a big of what is under the bed but it is much better than it being out and all over the place.

Don't get me wrong, every corner still has plenty of random things piled up or stuffed in boxes, but the place looks much better than before. And like I said, with having such a small space to live, we are doing quite well with organizing and finding unique places to store this, that, and the other.

A few hopes that I have for the next couple of weeks:
To update this a wee more regularly
Find a way to squeeze more time in the day
^Perhaps by rising from my slumber earlier
^Which would also allow me to eat breakfast here rather than a granola bar at work
Start our Power 90 program and stick with it!

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