
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New Favorite Supper

I cannot believe how my tastes have changed!! If you would have told me two months ago that I would be eating this meal almost weekly, I probably would have laughed in your face. I don't have a clue what my reaction would be if I was told that it is my favorite supper as of late. I guess I'm finally growing up and maybe starting to listen to those words of my father: "You won't know you like it until you try it."

Well, Dad, I tried it and I do in fact like it. So what is it you ask? It is pretty simple, easy, and mostly fresh. It is basically a veggie stir fry. If we have three or more of these ingredients in the 'fridge we most likely will throw together this meal at some point during the week:

Green Pepper, Red Pepper, Onion are items that we always use
Sugar Snap Peas
Fresh Broccoli

And I'm sure the list of scrumptious veggies could go on and on. We simply cut anything that can be into strips and then cook them up with a wee bit of EVOO. Every once in awhile we will cook pieces of chicken breast and throw together, too. While all that is steaming/frying we take the easy road and make minute brown rice in the microwave. When all is said and done, put the veggies on top of the rice and devour.

I literally have to remind myself to slow down and enjoy the food! I have found that I scoop it into my mouth as fast as I can and start storing the food in my cheeks like a chipmunk! I just love the sugar snap peas...they are by far my favorite ingredient!


  1. Maybe you should make it for Dad to try it! :)

  2. My tastes have changed SO MUCH too! I know exactly what you're saying. I used to think I hated vegetables and now I just can't get enough of them! Weird how we grow up, huh? :)
