
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Another Goals Update

Please don't get annoyed by me updating on how I'm doing with Dani's hopes and dreams for the next 355 days. I need to do it to keep myself on track and I think this is the best way to hold myself accountable.

-The after work routine is going okay right now. It's a little different since we moved and that we are working on one car (stupid blower isn't working in my car = no heat).

- Watching less TV is definitely happening. It may be on even less now that the channels we are provided for free, don't include anything ESPN.

- New recipes are popping up all over the place around here! Jesse has a bookmarks folder for things he want to try, I have a bookmarks folder of things I want to try, and I read through our cookbooks to make another list of things we want to try! This week, everything was new. None of them were utter failures, but I doubt I will make the majority of them again.

- Craft time is kind of on hold right now as I am trying to organize all of our things, plus the things my parents brought us. However, I am continuing to add to my list of must trys. Most of them consist of wreaths, anything coffee filter related, tissue paper ideas (good thing I have tons leftover from the wedding!), and 'rosettes'.

- I haven't been taking pictures every day like I wanted, but Penny is featured in most of what I have taken lately! ;)

- Decluttering is kind of my main thing right now as I organizing our stuff.

- I feel that I'm doing a good job of buying less, but I have to admit that I do have quite the wish list for decorating our apartment. I want it to feel like a home and not temporary housing and decorating is definitely the way to do that.

- Couponing and sales shopping is not going so well...I need to work on this area

- Considering we haven't really bought much, I haven't been buying locally (unless the local Target counts!).

- Have not yet gotten a library card, but do have some free books that I'm reading.

- I'm drinking much more water every day and even craving it at times!

- Date nights are set!

- We have a general idea of how much we want saved as an emergency fund and also for down payment on a house...but I would still like to get this nailed down a bit more.

- Freezer cooking has not happened yet and doesn't look like it will be soon. Good thing I gave myself to June!

- Slowly decorate our apartment. This, organizing our stuff, and adding to my crafting list is all that seems to be on my mind lately. I have ideas for what I want in the bathroom and bedroom, but not having much luck finding what I want...guess I need to go to a store that actually specializes in decorating/furnishing these rooms.

Project 333
I'm actually surprising myself how well I am doing here! I've only flubbed one time and it was by choice and it was totally avoidable. I couldn't help myself, it was Superbowl Sunday and I didn't have any Packers colors selected for my 33 items. So I broke the rules and wore a yellow long sleeve shirt and green tee shirt that weren't on my list. Hey, rules are made to be broken, right? I'll also be breaking the rules in a couple of weeks. I just don't think I'll be able to get away with wearing jeans and sweaters in Florida all week. Or at least I won't be a very happy camper if I do. I'm looking forward to wearing dresses and skirts! But I will try my best to select items that I would choose for 33 items if I decide to keep this project up come summer.

Thanks for listening! :)


  1. We were at Target today and Kourtni saw a wreath that she just had to show me...she said it looks like the one Nini made! She thought it was cool that you made something that looked like something you'd buy in the store. And the wreath was on sale for $34 so I think you did good!

  2. That's cool! Today I'm hoping to test out your sewing machine and try to make a scarf out of some of Jesse's old Tshirts!
