
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Week 2 -- Day 2 of Decluttering

Today, I quickly tackled two more drawers. These are drawers that both hold random utensils that rarely get used, but some do get used.  You'll see in the pictures that I utensils I kept, are still split across two drawers, but I could easily combine them later.

Random Misc Utensil drawer before

Emptying and sorting as I go, from left to right: Keep, Relocate, and Garage Sale

After and organized drawer. You'll notice that the Iowa State spatula has moved from the garage sale pile into the drawer to be kept. Jesse got home as I was sorting through and informed me that he does in fact use this when he grills. I thought he used others that we have but I guess those are too short. Good thing I checked with him!

This is the Misc and mostly knife drawer before. Eeeesh couldn't tell on my phone this was so blurry!

Same here where I've emptied the and sorted the drawer the left pile is to keep and the right pile is for the garage sale, and the little pile at the top are to be thrown away. Don't worry we aren't knife-less now, we have a block of knives that sit on the counter.

And here is the after. As you can tell both drawers aren't full so could be combined. But right now I'm afraid that if I combine them they'll just get all jumbled around and won't be easy to access the items when we need them.

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